Hi, I'm Amol

I am currently a Software Engineering Intern @ John Deere. I enjoy tinkering with large database systems, text mining, and computer security in my spare time. Check out my blog where I write about topics in mathematics and computer science or my about page for a list of past experiences and contact information!

Latest Projects

Simplify Email - [Oct 2023 - Present]

Simplify Email is a website that enchances email functionality by summarizing long emails, creating tasks based on important emails, and writing potential responses to response required emails.

ML Model on MNIST Set using only Numpy - [Aug 2023]

To better understand the inner workings of neural networks, I created a neural network using only Numpy to classify handwritten digits from the MNIST dataset. Numpy is a math library for Python that allows for complex math operations such as matrix multiplication and vector addition.

Notion-Discord Bot

The Notion-Discord Bot is a versatile and powerful integration that bridges the gap between Notion, a popular productivity tool, and Discord, a widely used communication platform. This bot enhances collaboration and streamlines workflows by enabling users to connect their Notion workspace with their Discord server.

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